6 research outputs found

    Spreading Acceptance through Performance

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    When Tricia Castañeda-Gonzales ’09 returned to the Linfield stage this year, she brought Latino heritage to life through rhythmic bilingual expression

    Medicinal Garden in Peru

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    Charlotte Trowbridge \u2710 and Josh Ness \u2711 dug in and got their hands dirty when they led a binational team effort to create a medicinal garden at the ancient Chimu site of Chan Chan, Peru, last summer

    A Youth Voice at International Summit

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    Melissa Greenaway ’12 had an unprecedented glimpse of politics on a global scale as one of seven college students representing the United States at the My Summit conference, during the G8 and G20 summits

    Returning to the Classroom

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    Two students return to college to complete their degrees, while balancing families and professional careers

    Class Notes

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    News about Linfield alumn

    Finding Truth in Words

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    Ansley Clark \u2710 finds her passion in the sound of a furious pen depicting everyday life